Wednesday, July 29, 2020

🐉 Dragon Queen 🐉

"When my dragons are grown, we will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me!" ~ DT

The short packs #1, 2, 3 comes in 4 main colors with more color options for all the accessories - hair, feather, cape, dress, dress extension, shoes, gloves, crown, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Wand, metal dragon; All in separate layers. The background is separate. 

For CU & PU use; You can add this in your kit. 

The full pack comes in 9 colors with color options for all the accessories - hair, feather, cape, dress, dress extension, shoes, gloves, crown, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Wand, metal dragon; All in separate layers. 

This is an exclusive work that I recently completed for Wicked Diabla Designs Store for my fav Izabela's store! Go get your copy today. Click on the links below to buy.